Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

R' Rosenfeld - Likutey Moharan 2

R’ Rosenfeld – 2Likutey Moharan 2 – Korbon Todah – Perfection of Speech – Mikeitz – Tehillim 100 Eases Childbirth

2Likutey Moharan 2 – Korbon Todah – Perfection of Speech – Mikeitz Tehillim 100 Eases Childbirth Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל.

00:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. In the future, only the Korbon Todah will remain.
01:43 – PARAGRAPH 2. Giving thanks is the delight of Olam HaBah – the Future World – which is an aspect of Halakha – Torah Law. The four who are obliged to give thanks (Berakhos 54b).
07:20 – PARAGRAPH 3. The connection between Halakha and childbirth.
13:06 – PARAGRAPH 4. Speech is perfected by means of truth.
16:16 – Four aspects of speech. The first is Dibur Shel Tzedakah.
18:25 – The second aspect of speech is Dibur Shel Malchus.
19:37 – The third aspect of speech is Dibur Shel Ashirus.
20:47 – The fourth aspect of speech is Dibur Shel Malchus.
26:49 – PARAGRAPH 5. Perfection of speech is an aspect of Loshon HaKodesh.
31:16 – PARAGRAPH 6. Drawing the holiness of Shabbos into the six weekdays reveals the unity of Hashem.
46:04 – PARAGRAPH 7. Chanukah.
48:29 – PARAGRAPH 8. Parshas Mikeitz.
49:42 – PARAGRAPH 9. Hydration of the body is maintained through the balance between the functions of the heart and lungs.
52:34 – PARAGRAPH 10. Reciting Mizmor l’Sodah (Tehillim 100) eases the labor of childbirth.

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