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R' Rosenfeld - Sichos HaRan/ שיחות הר"ן - רבי צבי אריה רוזנפלד ז"ל

R’ Rosenfeld – Sichos HaRan 50b – 51 – Avoid Doctors Whenever Possible – Rabbi Yossi and the Herbalist – Fourth Dimension – Extraterrestrials – Stay Young

Sichos HaRan 50b – 51 – Avoid Doctors Whenever Possible – Rabbi Yossi and the Herbalist – Fourth Dimension – Extraterrestrials – Stay Young – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. (Lesson RW18b.)
*00:00 – SICHAH 50b – Avoid doctors whenever possible, but in our generation, we’re not at a high enough spiritual level that we need only prayer to recover. We use doctors but maintain faith in HaShem. “HaShem is so powerful that He can heal a person even if a doctor’s treating him.”
03:09 – Story of Rabbi Yossi and the herbalist (Menachos). The origin of extraterrestrials.
12:21 – Why do aliens not invade the earth?
14:53 – Story of a rabbi’s visit to the Fourth Dimension.
16:31 – Rabbi Yossi returns to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai zal.
16:45 – Spiritual powers in vegetation – lowly “moss” is used for purification from contact with a dead body.
18:40 – In our generation, Rav Avraham Kokhav-Lav zal avoided doctors and lived to be 94.
*19:05 – “We cannot say that everyone should always avoid doctors… so if they are consulted, at least a person should maintain strong faith that it is only HaShem Who cures.”
20:09 – SICHAH 51. Material gain in this world is worthless.
28:06 – Stay young. The only thing that improves with age is a pig.
29:26 – A person shouldn’t be wasteful of his abilities.
*31:20 – Don’t let this material world fool you.
34:21 – HaShem holds non-Jews responsible for their deeds, especially if they harm Jews.
*37:29 – Milchamas HaYetzer – maintaining purity on the battlefield of the heart.

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