Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

R' Rosenfeld - Sichos HaRan/ שיחות הר"ן - רבי צבי אריה רוזנפלד ז"ל

R’ Rosenfeld – Sichos HaRan 177 – 178 – 179 – 180 – 181 – 182 – How To Be Happy Always – Time is Fleeting – Wisdom That Can Sustain Physical Life – Opposition to the Tzaddik

Sichos HaRan 177 – 178 – 179 – 180 – 181 – 182 – Be Happy Always – Time is Fleeting – Wisdom That Can Sustain Physical Life – Opposition to the Tzaddik – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
*00:00 – SICHA 177. Be happy always.
04:12 – Sadness is called the “bite of the serpent”
04:30 – Enjoying the pleasures of this world to attain spiritual goals.
05:25 – “It is a very great Mitzvah to be happy always.” Reference to 2Likutey Moharan 24.
05:37 – SICHA 178. Life is fleeting – seize the time!
06:27 – SICHA 179. Not long before his passing, Rebbe Nachman said he can no longer make spiritual progress while clothed in his physical body.
08:30 – SICHA 180. Reference to 2Likutey Moharan 88. See also Likutey Halakhos, Orach Chaim, Birkas HaPeyros 5.
10:53 – The Torah’s prohibition of cutting down a fruit tree or removing leaves from a tree.
*12:05 – “Every blade of grass and every leaf on a tree davens to Hashem constantly.”
12:30 – Why it is forbidden and even dangerous to eat unripe fruit.
15:23 – A Tzaddik can draw spiritual treasures from a fruit by eating it.
16:13 – The Torah permits killing an animal to eat its meat because the animal’s soul receives benefit when it rises to a higher level.
17:41 – NOTE: cooking unripe fruit does not remove its negative effects.
18:04 – Angels that sound Shofros.
19:17 – Sohd Kavanas ElulTikkun HaBris and Lost Articles.
*20:14 – On Rosh Hashanah person should be beSimcha.
21:28 – The Zohar reveals that the Tzaddik Emes is Moshe Rabbeinu and that he is a composite of Hashem’s Names Keyl SHaKaI.
22:33 – The Milui of Keyl Shakai b’Gematra is TaRaT.
22:53 – A person should never give up hope.
23:11 – Rebbe Nachman suggested to a child that the best Possuk to say in Hisbodedus is: תָּעִ֗יתִי כְּשֶׂ֣ה אֹ֖בֵד בַּקֵּ֣שׁ עַבְדֶּ֑ךָ כִּ֥י מִ֜צְו‍ֹתֶ֗יךָ לֹ֣א שָׁכָֽחְתִּי – “I went astray like a lost lamb; seek Your servant, for I did not forget Your commandments” Tehillim 119:176.
24:20 A Jewish soul is never abandoned even if we feel lost.
*24:55 – SICHA 181. Rebbe Nachman said there is a certain type of wisdom that he can’t reveal.
25:42 – Acquiring new wisdom causes joy and satisfaction.
26:25 – A person can be so immersed in acquiring wisdom that he doesn’t feel hunger.
28:21 – There is a level of wisdom that can sustain a person physically.
*29:18 – SICHA 182. Spiritual reasons for enmity against the Tzaddik Emes.
31:23 – Opposition to the Baal Shem Tov HaKodesh.
31:58 – Opposition to Rebbe Nachman.
34:03 – The “Hall of Exchanges”.
34:16 – Sipurei Maasios – Story of the Exchanged Children.
38:34 – Closing blessings.

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