Today’s online Torah study is dedicated by Yehuda Wurtzel l’ilui nishmas his dear mother Bernice bas Avraham ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 12th of Shevat.
To make a dedication, click HERE.
Sefer HaMidot – Introduction and Selected Topics by Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל. (This Shiur was given as part of the series in Ein Yaakov – Lesson 38b.)
00:00 – Introduction.
01:00 – A truthful person can detect honesty in others.
01:55 – The presence of many insects flying in a house indicates a lack of Ahava in that house.
*02:37 – A person should not say that something is “co-incidence” because this implies a lack of faith that all is through Hashem’s providence.
02:56 – The words of a heretic are harmful to the soul.
03:33 – Moshiach will come suddenly and the joy will be so great that Am Yisrael will be shocked.
04:08 – Segulah (Torah-based remedy) to treat insomnia: concentrate on Techiyat Hameytim – revival of the dead.
04:49 – A person should not worry about the future Parnassah (livelihood) of his children.
*05:11 – If a daughter is the first-born in a family, Ayin Hara (evil eye/jealousy) will have no power over any of the children in that family.
05:53 – A person should not enter an uninhabited house because it might contain sheydim – harmful spirits.
06:59 – To assure good fortune, the first thing a person should bring into a new home is a knife.
07:23 – If a person must borrow and must put up an item for security, it’s a sign that he misused this item in the past.
08:00 – It’s a Mitzvah to publicize the names of people who do evil.
*08:23 – One who is accustomed to giving good news will never suffer pain in his feet or legs.
*08:40 – Gazing up at the sky can help bring a person to tears, which originate in the separation of the upper waters from the lower waters at the time of creation.
*09:50 – A person can reduce his arrogance by looking up at the sky.
10:20 – If a person benefits from theft, his misdeed will be revealed.
10:35 – The more physical strength a person has, the less his depth of wisdom.
10:57 – Taking long strides reduces concentration.
11:12 – A person’s time and place of death is predestined.
12:26 – If a person falls, this nullifies a decree against him and saves his life.
12:46 – Mitigating harsh judgements through immersing in a mikveh.
*13:32 – A person should listen carefully when a friend shares his troubles, because the listener can learn about how to improve his own Midot (character traits).
13:52 – If a person can solve something through money rather than prayer, he should do so.
14:27 – Keeping a dog in one’s house arouses harsh judgements, unless the dog serves a purpose.
15:17 – Two people with the same name should not live in the same house.
15:35 – Segulah for winning a court case: reading the section about the Korbonot (sacrifices) brought on Shabbat and Yom Tovim (holidays) in Parshas Pinchas (BaMidbar/Numbers 28:1 – 29:39).
16:19 – Wearing the belt of a Tzaddik helps eliminate bad thoughts.
16:30 – One who divorces his wife will not be successful in life.
17:04 – Segulah for a woman who is childless: 1) she should carry a small magnet with her, and 2) she should look at the blood on the knife used to perform a Bris Milah.
18:14 – The fact that two people meet and speak is an aspect of Shidduch.
*18:57 – Whenever a person tries to instill Yiras Shemayim through speaking to a friend, he becomes the author of a Sefer that is written down in Shemayim (heaven).
19:26 – Staring at an Etrog (citron) is a cure for any pain in the eyes.
19:46 – Even if a government is run by non-Jews, the ruling power should be respected.
20:19 – Studying Torah even if done when half asleep is still beneficial.
21:32 – It’s forbidden to teach a Chiddush (Torah innovation) to a person who does evil.
24:50 – If an evil person speaks the truth, it’s permissible to refute him.
26:10 – If a person has an itch, it’s a sign he has enemies.
30:14 – Do not speak words of Mussar (spiritual rebuke) to a Jew who has converted to another religion.
32:25 – By doing even a small favor for a Tzaddik a person can gain Olam Habah (eternal reward).
*35:01 – Tikkun haGuf kodem latikkun hanefesh – healing the physical body precedes healing the soul.
*35:54 – Clothing is called the honor of a person. A person should dress properly for Tefilah (prayer) in order to insure that his prayers will be accepted.
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