Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Sefer HaMidos - The Alef-Bet Book/ ספר המדות

Sefer HaMidos – Lesson 10 – Orchim – Guests – Ahava 1 – Part 1

Sefer HaMidos – Lesson 10 – Orchim – Guests – Ahava – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (Recorded on 1989-12-19.)
00:00 – End of Section 1 of Orchim – Guests.
06:44 – 2Orchim – 2Guests – PARAGRAPH 1.
10:40 – PARAGRAPH 2. Hospitality is a segulah for enabling a woman to bear children.
13:09 – Last PARAGRAPH in 2Orchim.
18:03 – Ahava – INTRODUCTION.
18:20 – PARAGRAPH 1. When there’s a lack of love between people, they eventually make fun of holiness.
20:39 – PARAGRAPH 2. Hatred results in destruction by fire.
22:11 – PARAGRAPH 3. A person is protected by their love for Hashem.
23:31 – PARAGRAPH 4. Love for Hashem is only possible after doing Teshuvah.
26:11 – PARAGRAPH 5. Everyone loves a person who prays for Am Yisrael.
26:39 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 15.

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