Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Sefer HaMidos - The Alef-Bet Book/ ספר המדות

Sefer HaMidos – Lesson 12 – Ahava 2 – Five Aspects of Clouds – Shalom Bayis

Sefer HaMidos – Ahava 2 – Five Aspects of Clouds – Shalom Bayis – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (Recorded on 1990-01-17.)
00:00 – Ahava – Part 2. Item 1 – Five aspects of clouds.
02:45 – Pharaoh’s dream.
04:42 – Item 2. The degree of love a wife has for her husband can be recognized through the presence of flies and mosquitoes in her home.
15:56 – Item 3.
21:22 – Item 4.

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