Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Sefer HaMidos - The Alef-Bet Book/ ספר המדות

Sefer HaMidos – Lesson 14 – Emunah – Ma’aser – Looking Up at the Sky

Sefer HaMidos – Emunah – Ma’aser – Looking Up at the Sky – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (Recorded in 1990.)
00:00 – Item 11.
03:22 – Item 12. אִ֣ישׁ אֱ֖מוּנוֹת רַב־בְּרָכ֑וֹת – “A man of faith receives many blessings…” (Mishlei 28:20).
*04:56 – Biographical note about Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל and the importance of giving Ma’aser – tithing one’s income for charity.
16:13 – Item 13.
25:29 – Item 14. Gazing up at the sky on a clear day strengthens Emunas Chochomim.
*27:00 – The two branches of Kabbalah and an incident from Rebbe Nachman’s life to illustrate the power of just looking up at the sky.
37:38 – Item 15.

This shiur is sponsored by Rachel Klein, with tefilot for hatzlacha for the entire family.