Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Shevachey HaRan - Rebbe Nachman's Praises/ שבחי הר"ן

Shevachey HaRan 2 – Lesson 07 – Para. 18 – Rebbe Nachman’s Journey – Sukkos in Haifa – Shabbos with Reb Avram Kalisker in Tiveria

Shevachey HaRan 2 – Lesson 07 – Para. 18 – Rebbe Nachman’s Journey – Sukkos in Haifa – Shabbos with Reb Avram Kalisker ז”ל in Tiveria – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
After celebrating Sukkos in Haifa and visiting the cave of Eliyahu HaNavi, Rebbe Nachman traveled to the holy city of Tiveria (Tiberias). There he spent Shabbos with Reb Avram Kalisker ז”ל. This shiur includes a description of Rebbe Nachman’s broken-hearted preparation for spiritual aliya – ascent.

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