Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Sichos HaRan - Rebbe Nachman's Wisdom/ שיחות הר"ן

Sichos HaRan 78 – 79 – 80 – 81 – 82 – 83 – Justice and Integrity – People Can Influence Others Spiritually – Tikkun HaMidos in Stages – Rabbi Michel Dorfman ז”ל

Sichos HaRan 78 – 79 – 80 – 81 – 82 – 83 – Justice and Integrity; Tikkun HaMidos – Analogy of a Pot of Boiling Water – People Can Influence Others Spiritually – Biographical Account of Rabbi Michel Dorfman – Most Fears Are Irrational and Unnecessary – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 78.
*10:04 – BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE of Rabbi Michel Dorfman ז”ל and Rebbetzin Rivka ע”ה Dorfman when they were signing the finals papers for their release from the Soviet Union after 38 years as refuseniks (Russian citizens denied exit visas from Russia).
*13:30 – PARAGRAPH 79. Tikkun HaMidos – analogy of a pot of boiling water with impurities rising to the surface. The Tzaddik skims off the impurities from the surface. In this way, gradually and in stages, a person is purified from negative character traits.
22:00 – PARAGRAPH 80. Every person has more power than the Yetzer Hara – Evil Inclination.
33:30 – PARAGRAPH 81. People can confuse and influence others, causing spiritual harm.
42:00 – PARAGRAPH 82 – 83 – Most fears are irrational and unnecessary.

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