Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Tefilah - Prayer

Tefilah of the Golani Brigade Before Combat in Gaza – Cheshvan 5784

Tefilah - Golani Brigade - Cheshvan 5784Shema YisraelTefilah of the Golani Brigade Before Combat in Gaza – Cheshvan 5784 (2023-10).

English translation:

We will win our war. We will accept upon ourselves the yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven. We will call out to Our Father in Heaven Who will fight with us. With fire in our eyes we are ready for this war.

I ask forgiveness from all. We are going together, clean, into battle. We are fighting in the Name of Hashem!

Hear, Israel, Adonai is Our G-d, Adonai is One!
Adonai is King! Adonai was King! Adonai will be King forever and ever!
There is nothing other than Him!

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