Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Chayey Moharan - Life of Rebbe Nachman/ חיי מוהר"ן

2022-08-21 – Chayey Moharan – Life of Rebbe Nachman – Part 8 – Para. 162b-169a – Journeys to Novorich and Lemberg – Letters Written in Zaslov – Sefer HaNisraf

Chayey Moharan – Journeys to Novorich and Lemberg – Letters Written in Zaslov – Sefer HaNisraf – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – Rebbe Nachman’s mysterious journey to Novorich with his student R’ Shmuel of Teplik.
02:37 – Journey to Lemberg.
06:06 – The Eseres HaDibros – Ten Commandments – begin with the word “Anochi”.
08:51 – Letter #1 written while Rebbe Nachman was in Zaslov, to his brother, R’ Yechiel Zvi ז”ל.
13:07 – Q&R about Rebbe Nachman’s expressed preference to be called “Nachman ben Feiga” after his passing. Chiddush from Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל that “Rebbe Nachman ben Feiga” is b’gematria 516 – one more than the 515 tefilos of Moshe Rabbeinu.
16:06 – Letter #3 written while Rebbe Nachman was in Zaslov, encouraging his students.
22:02 – Letter #2 written while Rebbe Nachman was in Zaslov, asking his students to pray for him.
24:15 – Journey to Lemberg.
26:34 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 282 – Azamra.
27:37 – When Rebbe Nachman was in Lemberg, his health was in critical condition.
28:00 – The sages of the Gemara recommend that a man should not sleep on his stomach or on his back, but rather on his left side during the first part of the night, and on his right side later on.
34:00 – Sefer HaNisraf. Rebbe Nachman asks his student R’ Shimon ז”ל to burn both copies of a manuscript, in order to prolong Rebbe Nachman’s life.
38:56 – BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE about Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל.
39:55 – NOTE about Rabbi Maimon’s recent trip to the U.S. and Canada.
41:44 – Rebbe Nachman’s story of the “Rabbi’s Only Son”.
46:27 – BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE about Rabbi Michel Dorfman ז”ל.
47:01 – Q&R about teaching schedule in Uman.

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