Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2023-11-20 – LH5 – YD2 – Orlah 4 – Para. 2b-5 – False Leaders – Etz HaHachim and Etz HaDaas – 3 Taivos – Pesach, Shavuos, Sukkos Correspond to Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov

Orlah 4 – False Leaders – Etz HaHachim and Etz HaDaas – 3 TaivosPesach, Shavuos, Sukkos Correspond to Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Orlah 4 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 1.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 2b. Etz HaChaim.
07:00 – A false leader must have a bit of good, otherwise he could not establish himself.
*17:00 – Q&R – The difference between the Etz HaChaim and the Etz HaDaas.
18:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. The three years of Orlah.
24:00 – PARAGRAPH 4. The three sounds of the Shofar – mnemonic: “KeSHeT”.
29:00 – Pesach, Shavuos, Sukkos correspond respectively to Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov and repair the 3 Taivos: Mamon, Niuf, Achila.
35:00 – PARAGRAPH 5. Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of all Tikun – spiritual repair.
*40:00 – When Nevuah – prophecy – flows, then Tefilah flows and false leaders fall.
42:00 – The importance of observing Pesach, Shavuos, Sukkos to overcome the 3 basic Taivos.
48:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 271.
52:00 – Q&R – Mitzvah is Y – H – V – H in Gematria Atbash.
*53:00 – Q&R about the Likutey Moharan being a template through which one can understand the entire Torah.

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