Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2023-11-21 – LH5 – YD2 – Orlah 4 – Para. 6-8a – Teshuva – Zarka – Returning to Hashem – Where Is My Place? – Adam HaRishon – Rebuke – Kivrei Tzaddikim – Throne of Hashem – Rosh Hashanah

Orlah 4 – Teshuva – Zarka – Returning to Hashem – Where Is My Place? – Adam HaRishon – Rebuke – Kivrei Tzaddikim – Throne of Hashem – Rosh Hashanah – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Orlah 4 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 1.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 6. Teshuva (return to Hashem) also involves return to one’s self.
02:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 35. Zarka. The doubts expressed by Iyov. “Where were you when I created the world?” Adam HaRishon was a composite of all souls that would come into the world (Arizal, Shaar HaGiligulim 3). Hashem was asking Iyov: do you know from which part of Adam HaRishon you originate?
*7:00 – All that a person goes through is Hashem directing us and helping us to return to the right path for our particular soul. Teshuva is returning to one’s place of origin.
10:00 – It’s difficult to know where one needs to begin Teshuva, because no two paths of return are the same.
22:00 – Finding our own merit or the merit of others helps Teshuva. Especially on Rosh Hashanah, Tzadikim know how to find the merit in Klal Yisrael. By finding merit, a person is brought to Teshuva.
28:00 – The importance of increasing Kavana in Tefilah on Rosh Hashanah. שִׁ֥יר הַֽמַּֽעֲל֑וֹת מִמַּֽעֲמַקִּ֖ים קְרָאתִ֣יךָ יְהֹוָֽה – “A song of ascents. From the depths I have called You, Hashem” (Tehillim 130:1).
30:00 – Traveling to Kivrei Tzaddikim for Rosh Hashanah.
32:00 – PARAGRAPH 7.
*35:00 – כִּסֵּ֣א כָב֔וֹד מָר֖וֹם מֵֽרִאשׁ֑וֹן מְק֖וֹם מִקְדָּשֵֽׁנוּ – “As a Throne of Glory, exalted from the beginning, so is the place of our Sanctuary” (Yirmiyahu 17:12). The “starting point” of every soul is the Kisey HaKavod – Throne of Hashem. Avraham Avinu – Lech Lecha – demonstrates how every person needs to disengage from their past to some degree, each according to their place of origin.
40:00 – A Tzaddik knows how to guide an individual through understanding that person’s spiritual place. The qualification for being a true leader is “Ish Asher Ruach Bo”.
42:00 – PARAGRAPH 8. Traveling to Kivrei Tzaddikim before Rosh Hashanah.
*50:00 – Q&R about how to access the spiritual benefits of traveling to Uman for Rosh Hashanah.

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