Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2023-12-04 – LH5 – YD2 – Orlah 4 – Para. 17b-18 – 3 Sounds of Shofar – Teshuvah Is a Process – Teruah – Shevarim – Honoring the 3 Festivals Repairs the 3 Main Teivos – Crying Out to Hashem

Orlah 4 – 3 Sounds of Shofar Teshuvah Is a Process – Teruah – Shevarim – Honoring the 3 Festivals Repairs the 3 Main Teivos – Crying Out to Hashem – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Orlah 4 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 1.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 17b. 3 Sounds of Shofar. Teshuvah is a process.
*21:00 – What is the meaning of “crying out to Hashem“?
23:00 – PARAGRAPH 18. Sounds of Shofar – What is Teruah? What is Shevarim?
*25:00 – Honoring the 3 Festivals Repairs the 3 main Teivos.

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