Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2023-12-08 – LH5 – YD2 – Orlah 4 – Para. 18b-20 – Shofar – Teruah and Shevarim – Rosh Hashanah Is Compared With the Brain – Mastering the 3 Main Teivos – Miracles of Physiology and Reincarnation

Orlah 4 – Shofar Teruah and Shevarim – Rosh Hashanah Is Compared With the Brain – Mastering the 3 Main Teivos – Miracles of Physiology and Reincarnation – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Orlah 4 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 1.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 18b.
10:00 – Everything that exists in Olam HaAsiya is composed of Olam – place, Zman – time, and Nefesh – inanimate, plant, animal, human.
11:20 – The entire body is wired to the brain through the nervous system.
15:45 – PARAGRAPH 19. Shofar – Teruah and Shevarim – Rosh Hashanah is compared with the Brain. Teruah alludes to Tikkun of the 3 Main Teivos. Teruah means both “to break” and “to attach”. Shevarim alludes to destruction.
18:30 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 23Teivos Mamon is an aspect of Avoda Zara.
20:00 – Teivos Achila indicates a lack of respect. Reference to Likutey Moharan 67. A person who respects others is expressing respect for Hashem. Such a person will be respected by others.
23:30 – NOTE: One of the first questions a soul is asked after leaving the physical world is if they conducted money matters with faith (Shabbat 31a).
25:30 – Repairing Teivos Achila is done through respecting others.
27:30 – Q&R – Tikkun HaMidos – appreciation for the Shiur.
29:00 – PARAGRAPH 20. The Mitzvos correspond to human physiology. The miracles of physiology and reincarnation.
34:00 – לְכָל תִּ֖כְלָה רָאִ֣יתִי קֵ֑ץ רְחָבָ֖ה מִצְוָֽתְךָ֣ מְאֹֽד – “Of every finite thing I have seen the end; Your commandments are very broad” – (Tehillim 119:96).
35:00 – The importance of being connected with the Tzaddik Emes. He shines into every individual the light of Teshuvah, especially through Rosh Hashanah. The Tzaddik Emes knows how people’s circumstances affect them, therefore he can see the merit of every individual, bringing them to Teshuvah.
40:00 – Q&R – What if a person’s Rosh Hashanah wasn’t the best? Closing judgements can be mitigated through Hoshanah Rabbah.

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