Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-19-Kiley Beheyma

2024-01-04 – LH5 – YD2 – Kiley Beheyma 3 – Para. 3-4 – Im Lavan Garti – Harnessing Two Different Species – Am Yisrael Needs Both Spiritual Strength and Military Strength – Bas Ayin – Meriting Shabbos and Eretz Yisrael

Kiley Beheyma 3 – Im Lavan Garti – Harnessing Two Different Species – Am Yisrael Needs Both Spiritual Strength and Military Strength – Bas Ayin – Meriting Shabbos and Eretz Yisrael – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Kiley Beheyma 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 61.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 3.The Torah prohibition of Kiley Beheyma – harnessing two different species together.
10:00 – PARAGRAPH 4. Yaakov Avinu – spiritual aspects of ox and donkey; Kiley Beheyma.
17:00 – Yaakov Avinu: “Im Lavan garti, v’taryag [613] mitzvos shemarti…”
*23:00 – Spiritual aspects of ox and donkey as obstacles to tefilah: Klipat Esav [from left side – “prayer doesn’t work”] vs. Klipat Yishmael [from right side – “prayer helps, but you don’t have to be serious about it].
*25:00 – NOTE: Reference to a shiur by Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson – Am Yisrael needs both spiritual strength and military strength. Dovid HaMelech had an army.
30:00 – Q&R about how to merit the peace of Shabbos.

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