Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-19-Kiley Beheyma

2024-01-11 – LH5 – YD2 – Kiley Beheyma 4 – Para. 1-2 – HaShem’s Oneness Is the Source of All Diversity – Shabbos – Loshon HaKodesh – Shor veChamor – Klipot Esav veYishmael

Kiley Beheyma 4 – HaShem’s Oneness Is the Source of All Diversity – Shabbos Loshon HaKodesh – Shor veChamor – Klipot Esav veYishmael – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Kiley Beheyma 4 is based on Likutey Moharan 2.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. Issur Kiley Beheyma. HaShem’s Oneness Is the Source of All Diversity. The key to having faith in this is observing the mitzvah of Shabbos.
28:00 – PARAGRAPH 2. Shor ve Chamor – Klipot Esav veYishmael.
40:23 – Closing blessings – today is Rosh Chodesh Shevat.

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