Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-26-Reishis HaGez/Aveylus

2024-04-05 – LH5 – YD2 – Reishis HaGez 1 – Hilkhos Aveylus – 7 Days of Mourning – Death – Makhlokes – Conflict – Torn Clothing – Shiva – Oil Represents Mochin deGadlus – Reishis HaGez 2 – Part 1 – Determining Halakha Is Related to Shearing Wool

Reishis HaGez 1 – Hilkhos Aveylus – 7 Days of Mourning – Death – Makhlokes – Conflict – Torn Clothing – Shiva – Oil Represents Mochin deGadlusReishis HaGez 2 – Determining Halakha Is Related to Shearing Wool – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Reishis HaGez 1 is based on Likutey Moharan 19.
00:00 – Makhlokes – conflict – causes damage to clothing. Tearing garments during shiva – seven days of mourning.
05:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 127.
11:00 – Anointing with oil is forbidden during aveylus. Oil represents Mochin deGadlus.
12:30 – During aveylus, garments are not washed.
13:00 – 7 days of mourning. Why is aveylus 7 days?
14:00 – 30 days of the secondary period of mourning.
16:20 – A person in mourning is not permitted to cut his hair.
19:00 – Q&R about speaking with a mourner.
20:00 – Q&R about marital relations being prohibited during mourning.
21:00 – A holiday eliminates aveylus, but Shabbos doesn’t. When Shabbos is over, the mourner continues the shiva.
24:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 135.
*25:00 – On Shabbos no separation of good from bad is taking place. There’s no battle to defeat the Sutra Achra on Shabbos because evil has no grip on good during Shabbos.
25:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 30. On Yom Tov we’re bringing down evil and elevating the Malkhus of Kedusha. Therefore Yom Tov eliminates aveylus.
29:00 – Q&R about a mourner being required to do the symbolic acts of aveylus.
30:00 – Q&R about Yom Tov defeating the 4 kingdoms of the Sutra Achra while Shabbos does not.
31:30 – Q&R about birur on Shabbos. Analogy of a worker taking a vacation.
35:00 – HALAKHA 2. Hilkhos Reishis HaGez 2 is based on Likutey Moharan 54. – Memory is connected with the eyes.
36:00 – Determining halakha is related to shearing wool because it is a process of separating truth from illusion.
40:00 – The first wool sheared from a sheep belongs to the kohen. וּכְרָחֵ֕ל לִפְנֵ֥י גֹֽזְזֶ֖יהָ – “…and as a ewe before being shorn…” (Yeshaya 53:7).

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