Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-26-Reishis HaGez/Aveylus

2024-04-04 – LH5 – YD2 – Reishis HaGez 1 – Garments Protect – Shearing Wool – Cherem – Excommunication – Daled Amos – Four Cubits of a Person’s Malkhus – Domain – Shoes – Garments of Leather – Malakh Mem Tess – Etz HaDaas – Tree of Knowledge – Good and Evil

Reishis HaGez 1 – Garments Protect – Shearing Wool – Cherem – Excommunication – Daled Amos – Four Cubits of a Person’s Malkhus – Domain – Shoes – Garments of Leather – Malakh Mem TessEtz HaDaas – Tree of Knowledge – Good and Evil – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Reishis HaGez 1 is based on Likutey Moharan 19 and Yoreh Deah 333.
Reference to Likutey Moharan 29: “At all times let your clothing be white…”
00:00 – Garments protect a person physically and spiritually.
18:00 – The first shearing of wool is given to the kohen. This draws the spiritual purity of “whiteness” into clothing. The holy oil with which the kohen and the vessels of the Beis HaMikdash were anointed corresponds with sekhel and tikkun habris.
22:00 – Q&R the difference between the kashrus of food and the laws of shatnez.
25:00 – There are 24 reasons why a person can be put in cherem – excommunication.
28:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 22. “Nidui” is another word for cherem.
30:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 259. The mouth is associated with malkhus. The establishment of a kingdom depends on shalom – peace.
***32:00 – Daled Amos – the four cubits of a person’s malkhus – domain.
34:00 – PARAGRAPH 4. A person in cherem must remove his shoes.
36:00 – Shoes, leather garments, Malakh Mem Tess. Etz HaDaasRa is 270, Tov is 17 is equal to Chesed plus GevurahChava – their original garments of light were replaced by garments of leather.
40:00 – A person needs greatest protection for their feet, since the ground was cursed. Leather shoes are a spiritual protection. “Sell the beams of your house to buy shoes.” A person in cherem removes their shoes.
43:00 – Correspondence between the 24 reasons a person is excommunicated, the 24 Courts of Heaven, and the 24 letters in Baruch Shem Kvod Malkhuso LeOlam VaEd.
***45:00 – Q&R about separating good from evil. Brief overview of the Etz HaDaas – Tree of Knowledge – Good and Evil.
46:00 – Q&R about the RaMCHaL being put in cherem.
48:00 – Q&R about how to deal with impure speech in others.

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