Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Halakha and Customs – Rabbi Rosenfeld ז"ל/ הלכה ומנהג

Halakha 000 – Hilkhos Shabbos – Walking Cane – Clothing vs. Ornaments – Hilkhos Pesach

Halakha – Hilkhos Shabbos – Walking Cane – Clothing vs. Ornaments – Hilkhos Pesach. Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל.

00:00 – Hilkhos Shabbos – Walking Cane. Clothing vs. Ornaments.
16:35 – Not wearing a wide-brimmed hat on Shabbos.
30:35 – Folding clothing on Shabbos.
46:42 – The eved of a Jew is not allowed to work on Shabbos. Why it’s best not to own a dog.
54:52 – Hilkhos Shabbos only speaking words of Kedusha and not mundane speech. Aliyos on Shabbos.
74:03 – Hilkhos Pesach. Being practical about buying kosher products for Pesach.
79:38 – Using Bicarbonate of Soda as toothpaste on Chol HaMoed Pesach. Fruits and vegetables for Pesach.
82:00 – Medications for Pesach should be new.
84:20 – Tablecloths on Pesach.

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