Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Halakha and Customs – Rabbi Rosenfeld ז"ל/ הלכה ומנהג

Halakha 1 – Tefillin – Likutey Tefilos – Turning Torah into Tefilah – Tachanun – Iyar – Nefilas Apayim – Rosh Chodesh

Halakha 1 – Tefillin – Likutey Tefilos – Turning Torah into Tefilah – Tachanun – Iyar – Nefilas Apayim – Rosh Chodesh – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל. Text: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch.

00:00 – Hilkhos Tefillin (Siman Yud, Seif 9).
04:06 – Tefillin of Rosh and Yad are two separate Mitzvos.
04:32 – Dinim of Tachanun.
06:27 – [Archive Note: “Rosh Chodesh (Sivan) which will be tomorrow”].
*09:59 – Torah and Tefilah are a Zivug.
11:46 – Turning Torah into Tefilah – the tremendous value of Likutey Tefilos.
12:22 – The Baal Shem Tov HaKodesh asked Moshiach, “When are you coming?” The response: “When your wellspring [of Chassidus] flows into the world.”
14:00 – The last words of Rav Nosson of Nemirov ז”ל included strong encouragement to make known the teachings of Rebbe Nachman.
14:16 – The customs regarding tefillin during Kriyas Shema.
18:24 – Tefillin are removed while standing.
21:49 – Tefillin – Seif 21.
23:04 – Procedure if a person doesn’t have tefillin.
25:47 – Tefillin – Seif 25. Tefillin are not worn on Chol HaMoed.
30:07 – How often are Tefillin checked?
31:05 – [Archive Note: New section. “Starting Wednesday Rosh Chodesh Sivan…”]
34:33 – Saying Tachanun with Kavana – especially during Iyar – protects Am Yisrael from enemies.
35:40 – [Archive Note: “We are now in Iyar, we have two days left in this month…”
36:14 – Shacharis – Seif 2. Tachanun.
*39:00 – Breslov traditions for Tachanun. Rav Avraham Kokhav-Lev Sternharz ז”ל said Tachanun resting his head on the right hand.
40:22 – Tachanun Seif 3. Nefilas Apayim. Standing up at the words “Umah na’asey…”.
42:22 – [Archive Note: End of shiur.] Seif 4 – Nefilas Apayim.
43:51 – Seif 7. Tachanun is not said when a Chasan davens in the shul all 7 days of his Sheva Brochos.
45:46 – [Archive Note: End of shiur.] Hilkhos Yom Kippur Katan – Rosh Chodesh.
45:47 – Hilkhos Rosh Chodesh. [Archive Note: This portion of the shiur was given on Rosh Chodesh Sivan.]
*49:54 – Hashem gave Rosh Chodesh especially to women as a reward for their Emunah.
50:13 – Hallel must be said standing.

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