Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Halakha and Customs – Rabbi Rosenfeld ז"ל/ הלכה ומנהג

Halakha 6b – Kiddush Levana – Holiness of a Shul – Mechitza – Order of Prayer in the Siddur – The Four Worlds

Halakha 6b – Kiddush Levana – Holiness of a Shul Mechitza – Order of Prayer in the Siddur – The Four Worlds – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
00:00 – Announcing the Molad and Kiddush Levana.
05:42 – Holiness of a Shul. Not kissing a child in Shul.
08:53 – Honoring the Kedushah of a Shul by wearing clean clothing and wiping feet before entering. Eating or drinking is forbidden in a Shul, but permitted in a Beis Medrash – Torah Study Hall.
13:05 – A Shul must have a Metchitza – partition between men and women.
*14:56 – Order of Prayer in the Siddur.
17:45 – Hidden effects of Tefilah.
*19:06 – The Four Worlds.
19:49 – Binah is the throne for Chokhmah.
21:20 – Baruch She’Omar begins phase of Olam HaYetzirah – the World of Angels.
24:23 – The Tefilos in the Siddur are from Heaven.
25:29 – Baruch She’Omar contains 87 words – Gematria Paz.

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