Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Halakha and Customs – Rabbi Rosenfeld ז"ל/ הלכה ומנהג

Halakha 7a – Tefilas Shacharis – Ashrey – Kavana – Psukei dZimra – Timing of Tzedakah – Az Yashir – Yishtabach

Halakha 7a – Tefilas ShacharisAshrey – Kavana – Psukei dZimra – Timing of Tzedakah Az Yashir – Yishtabach – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
09:23 – Mizmor L’Sodah.
10:56 – Ashrey.
11:11 – “A Tefilah without Kavana is like a body without a soul” (Zohar HaKodesh).
11:53 – What happens if a person doesn’t have Kavana?
12:43 – In the preliminary sections of Shacharis, Kavana is most required during the Shema and for the Possuk “Poseyach es Yadecha…” in Ashrey.
16:02 – Standing during Psukei dZimra.
17:17 – VaYivorach Dovid.
20:42 – Timing of Tzedakah “v’Ata Moshel baKol…”
*21:22 – A person can have Kavana for special request at “Zeva HaShamayim Mishtachavim”.
22:11 – Az Yashir.
23:26 – Yishtabach.
26:00 – The fifteen words in Yishtabach from “Shir uShevacha” through “Hodaya” should be said with one breath.
28:36 – Closing words of this Shiur were missing on the original recording.

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