Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Halakha and Customs – Rabbi Rosenfeld ז"ל/ הלכה ומנהג

Halakha 11a – Al HaNissim and Full Hallel on Chanukah – Shem Mem Beis – Amidah – Three Steps Back – Zman Kriyas Shema

Halakha 11a – Al HaNissim and Full Hallel on Chanukah – Shem Mem Beis – Amidah – Three Steps Back – Zman Kriyas Shema – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
00:00 – Hilkhos Al HaNissim on Chanukah.
04:24 – The Full Hallel is said on all eight days of Chanukah.
04:59 – Chanukah is so great that it will remain in the time of Moshiach.
05:27 – Chanukah and Purim together are b’Gematira Shem Mem Beis.
06:06 – Hilkhos Tefilah.
09:38 – Staying in place after Shemoneh Esrei.
11:05 – The meaning of taking three steps back after the Amidah.
16:05 – Kriyas Shema.
16:40 – Earliest Zman for Kriyas Shema.
20:44 – Pirkei Avos warns to be very careful with Zman Kriyas Shema. A Jew should never get up late. Time for Kriyas Shema.
25:41 – Co s’Varchu – 25 letters of the Shema.

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