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Halakha and Customs – Rabbi Rosenfeld ז"ל/ הלכה ומנהג

Halakha 11b – Hilkhos Zman Kriyas Shema – Kavana – Mesiras Nefesh – Intention of Giving One’s Life Al Kiddush Hashem – Rabbi Akiva

Halakha 11b – Hilkhos Zman Kriyas Shema – KavanaMesiras Nefesh – Intention of Giving One’s Life Al Kiddush Hashem – Rabbi Akiva – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
00:00 – Zman of Kriyas Shema.
02:27 – Pirkei Avos – Zman Kriyas Shema.
04:56 – The Pre-Shacharis Kriyas Shema may be said sitting or standing, but one’s position should not be changed.
*05:59 – Kriyas Shema al HaMitah is said standing.
06:30 – If a person is weak or sick, Kriyas Shema may be said lying on one’s side.
07:00 – Kavana during Kriyas Shema.
07:26 – Proving one’s faith in Hashem is done through Mesiras Nefesh.
08:43 – Four types of Misas b’Yedei Beis Din – execution.
09:40 – Last words of Rabbi Akiva.
11:18 – Shem Adnus.
13:04 – Shema Yisrael contains 25 letters.
14:14 – Reciting Kriyas Shema can rid the mind of impure thoughts.
14:55 – The entire Kriyas Shema must be said in an audible voice. The beginning is said while covering the eyes with the right hand – through the end of “Baruch Shem Kvod Malchusa l’Olam Va’ed”.
15:21 – Review of Kavana – intention – during Kriyas Shema.
16:22 – Serving Hashem with both Yirah – respect – and Ahava – love.
17:05 – Loving Hashem will all your heart means with both the good inclination and the evil inclination.
18:39 – Harnessing the fire of the Yetzer Hara to serve Hashem.
*20:43 – Kavana during Kriyas Shema – envisioning giving one’s life Al Kiddush Hashem.
21:12 – Uve’Chol M’Odecha – Loving Hashem with all you own.

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