Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Tefilah - Prayer

Tefilah – Lesson 03 – Shacharis for Women – Part 2 – Shema – Kriyas HaTorah

Tefilah – Lesson 03 – Shacharis for Women – Part 2 – Pas Shacharis – Shema – Kriyas HaTorah – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (Recorded 1988-11-08.)
00:00 – The closing of Psukei D’Zimra.
03:52 – Vayivorach Dovid es Hashem. Pas Shacharis contains refuah – healing.
14:15 – Q&R about Pas Shacharis. NOTE: If a person is speaking irrationally they probably haven’t eaten Pas Shacharis.
17:17 – Az Yashir – experiencing the miracles at Yam Suf every day.
27:22 – Bowing at Baruch Hu is from the waist only, not from the knees.
29:21 – The Arizal did not stand during Torah lehning.
32:25 – The Shema.
42:27 – Q&R about Kel Melech Ne’eman. Each of the 248 words of the Shema is a tikkun for each of the 248 organs of the body.
44:10 – The eyes remain covered when saying “Baruch Shem Kvod Malkhuso L’Olam V’ed.”
53:32 – Q&R about relying on tefilah as opposed to taking medicine.

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