Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Tefilah - Prayer

Tefilah – Lesson 02 – Shacharis for Women – Part 1

Tefilah – Lesson 02 – Shacharis for Women – Part 1 – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (Recorded on 1988-10-25.)
07:21 – Bracha “Sh’lo asani goy”.
11:55 – Q&R about Torah study being incumbent on a man to a greater extent than to a woman.
12:41 – Baruch Sh’Omar.
17:29 – Mizmor L’Sodah.
20:25 – Ashrei.
24:54 – Ashrei combines the Aleph-Beis with the issue of Parnassah.
38:33 – The word Halleluka.
46:33 – Laws of responding to the Shaliach Tzibur.
57:10 – Q&R about saying possukim – verses from the Written Torah – for one’s name.

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