Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


20th Kislev – Yahrzeit of Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Rosen zal – Parable About Hisbodedus

Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim b’R’ Klonymus Kalman Rosen ז”ל
(1899, Poland – 1984, Jerusalem) co-founder of the Central Breslov Yeshiva in Meah Shaarim, Jerusalem (seen here in photo with Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל).

Orphaned as a child, R’ Eliyahu Chaim devoted himself to Torah study. At the age of 12, already respected for his knowledge and diligence, he discovered the teachings of Rebbe Nachman and eventually became a student of Rabbi Avraham Chazan ז”ל.

During the Stalin era, both R’ Eliyahu Chaim and fellow Breslover chassid, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Bender ז”ל risked their lives to save Jewish families from starvation. For their activities, they were arrested by the KGB in 1936 but miraculously escaped death sentences.

R’ Eliyahu Chaim described how, the night before his scheduled execution, he davened for Hashem’s mercy as never before. He used to tell his students, “If only I could still have the same kavana in my tefilos as I did that night!”

In 1937 Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Rosen fled the communist regime and immigrated to Eretz Yisrael where he was considered one of the leading elders of the Breslov community. Together with Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Bender, he headed the Breslov Yeshiva until shortly before his passing on the 20th of Kislev 5745 (December, 1984). You can learn more about his life HERE.

In this recording, Rabbi Nasan Maimon relates one of Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Rosen’s parables about hisbodedus.

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